Thirsty, biking on my way to work, I rode by the heretofore closing Borders Books, on 3rd Street and King, right by the NL West Champion Giants' Stadium. What to my wondering mind should appear, but massive CLOSING!! EVERYTHING MUST GO, FUCKFACE!!! signs, littering the visage of the friendly sidewalk. Ladies and Gentlemen, Borders is done and down.
Now, I don't know if all Borders are done, but this one certainly is. The one nearest to my house; the one that didn't carry Gurdjieff's Beezlebub's Tales to His Grandson when I wanted it; the one that didn't have Christopher Hitchen's The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice when I wanted it; the one that had plenty of books I did want, but didn't feel like paying retail price when a quick surf over to Amazon.com got me the same book (which, truth be told, my stack at home doesn't require an instant acquisition) for Ford-damn-half-off.
But this Borders, with the boards slowly being posted up over the windows covering their 40% OFF MOTHERFUCKERS!!! signs, can finally compete with that online Behemoth of Better Buys, by settling the clearance, dumping their racks and consigning to miserably going out of business.
So I walked right into that there Borders store, plunked down some cold hard cucumbers, and walked out, in person, that day, with the new Franzen novel 'Freedom', and 'House of Leaves' by Mark Z. Danielewski for the exact same price I'd get it at Amazon! Finally, Border's can compete!
Pity they had to go out of business to do so.
1 comment:
You said it, right next to the stadium of our NL WEST CHAMPS!!!! :-P
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